เศรษฐศาสตร์ระหว่างประเทศ / International Economics
- 17 สัปดาห์
- จำนวนนักศึกษา 0 คน
- อาจารย์ผู้สอน 1 คน
- รหัสรายวิชา : 12051304
- ชื่อรายวิชา(TH) : เศรษฐศาสตร์ระหว่างประเทศ
- ชื่อรายวิชา (EN) : International Economics
- เทอม / ปีการศึกษา : 1/2563
รายวิชา - เศรษฐศาสตร์ระหว่างประเทศ
Introduction to International Economics
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
1.International Economy and Globalization
-What is globalization?
- Why is globalization important?
-International trade and the nation’s standard of living, International flow of capital and labor.
-Current international economic problems, International Institution and The World Economy.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
2.International Economics Institutions since World War II
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
3. International Organization,
Economic Integration
Forms of Economic Integration, Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in Customs Unions, The European Union, The European Free Trade Association, U.S. Free Trade Agreements and the North American Free Trade Agreement , Attempts at Economic Integration among Developing Countries
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
4. Early Trade Theories
The Mercantilists’ Views on Trade, Trade Based on Absolute Advantage.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
5. The Law of Comparative Advantage
Trade Based on Comparative Advantage, Comparative Advantage and Opportunity Costs, Production Possibilities Frontier, Gain from trade, Trading Under Constant-Cost Conditions, Equilibrium Terms of Trade, Term of Trade, Changing Comparative Advantage, Trading Under Increasing-Cost Condition, The Marginal Rate of Transformation, Community Indifference Curves, Equilibrium in Isolation, The Gains From Trade with Increasing Costs, Equilibrium-Relative Commodity Price with Trade.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
6. The Heckscher-Ohlin and Other Trade Theories
Factor Endowments and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory, The Formal Heckscher-Ohlin Model, Factor-Price Equalization and Income Distribution, Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, Leontief Paradox, Economies of Scale and International Trade, Trade based on Product Differentiation, Technological Gap and Product Cycle Models.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
กิจกรรม :
7. The Theory of Tariffs and Quotas Commercial Policy
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
9.Trade and Balance of Payments
Definition and Use, Balance of Payments Accounting Principles, Double-Entry Bookkeeping, The International Transaction, Measuring Deficits or Surpluses.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
10. The Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rates
Functions of the Foreign Exchange Market, Equilibrium Exchange Rates, Cross Exchange Rates, Effective Exchange Rate, and Arbitrage, Spot and Forward Exchange Rates, Foreign Exchange Futures and Options, Foreign Exchange Risk, Hedging, Speculation.
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
11. The International Monetary System: Past, Present, and Future
International Monetary System, The Gold Standard, The Bretton Woods System, Operation and Evolution of the Bretton Wood System, The Present International Monetary System, Problems with the Present International Monetary System, Financial Crises, Other Current International Economic Problems
กิจกรรม : Online Lecture, power point, Discussion, Exercises
12.International Financial Crises
13.The United States in the World Economy
กิจกรรม : Online Presentation and Discussion
14.The European Union: Markets into one
กิจกรรม : Online Presentation and Discussion
15.Trade and Policy Reform in Latin America
กิจกรรม : Online Presentation and Discussion
16.The BRIC Countries in the World Economy
17.The Export-Oriented Growth in East Asia
กิจกรรม : Online Presentation and Discussion
Final Exam
กิจกรรม :