
Language and Culture

1. Cultural Awareness: To cultivate an understanding of how culture influences language use and communication styles in different English-speaking regions.
2. Regional Variations: To analyze and compare the regional dialects and idiomatic expressions within English-speaking communities.
3. Effective Communication: To enhance students' English communication skills by teaching them to adapt to various cultural and social contexts.
4. Critical Thinking: To encourage analytical skills by examining case studies and real-world examples that highlight the interplay between language and culture.
5. Practical Application: To equip students to apply their understanding of language and culture to real-world scenarios, such as professional or intercultural communications.
1. Global Competency: To prepare students for a globalized world by enhancing their understanding of how language and culture intersect, improving their communication skills across diverse settings.
2. Career Preparedness: To equip students with the cultural awareness and language adaptability skills that are increasingly in demand in various professions.
3. Academic Integration: To offer an interdisciplinary course that bridges linguistics, anthropology, and sociology, enriching the academic curriculum.
4. Social Cohesion: To foster empathy and understanding among students, helping to combat stereotypes and prejudices in multicultural communities.
5. Digital Communication: To address the challenges of effective communication in an age of digital platforms, where cultural misunderstandings can easily occur.
คว่มสัมพันธ์ระหว่างภาษากับวัฒนธรรม ในบริบทสังคมแต่ละภูมิภาคที่ใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ และผลที่มีต่อการสื่อสารภาษาอังกฤษ
Relationship between language and culture in social context of each English-speaking region and its influence on English communication
1 ชั่วโมง ตามคำร้องขอของนักศึกษารายบุคคล
2.3 เปรียบเทียบการใช้ภาษาอังกฤษในวัฒนธรรมที่หลากหลายได้
2.6 ตีความ วิเคราะห์ วิจารณ์ และแสดงความคิดเห็นด้านภาษาและวัฒนธรรมอย่างสร้างสรรค์
2.3: Compare the Use of English in Various Cultures
Instructional Methods
1. Lectures: Provide an overview of how English is used differently in various cultural contexts, focusing on idiomatic expressions, slang, and formal vs. informal language.
2. Case Studies: Present real-world examples or scenarios highlighting the differences in English usage across cultures. Students can analyze these in small groups.
3. Guest Speakers: Invite experts or native speakers from different English-speaking regions to share their experiences and insights on language and culture.
4. Interactive Discussions: Facilitate classroom discussions where students can share their experiences and observations about the use of English in different cultures.
5. Comparative Analysis Assignment: Assign students to research and compare the use of English in two or more cultures, culminating in a written report or presentation.
2.6: Interpret, Analyze, Criticize, and Express Opinions about Language and Culture Creatively
Instructional Methods
1. Socratic Seminars: Engage students in a guided discussion where they can interpret and analyze various aspects of language and culture, encouraging critical thinking.
2. Creative Projects: Assign projects that allow students to express their understanding of language and culture through creative means, such as storytelling, art, or even short films.
3. Debates: Organize debates on controversial topics related to language and culture, allowing students to express their opinions and criticisms constructively.
4. Journaling: Encourage students to keep a reflective journal where they can jot down their thoughts, analyses, and opinions on the course material.
5. Peer Review: Have students present their analyses and criticisms to the class, followed by a peer review session where classmates can offer constructive feedback.
2.3: Compare the Use of English in Various Cultures
Assessment Methods
1. Written Assignments: Evaluate students' understanding through written assignments that require them to compare the use of English in different cultural contexts.
2. Group Presentations: Have students work in groups to research and present on using English in a specific culture, assessing both content and presentation skills.
3. Quizzes: Conduct short quizzes that test students' knowledge of key concepts related to the use of English across cultures.
4. Class Participation: Assess students based on their participation in discussions, case study analyses, and interactions with guest speakers.
5. Peer Assessment: Incorporate peer assessment for group activities, allowing students to evaluate each other's contributions to group tasks and discussions.
2.6: Interpret, Analyze, Criticize, and Express Opinions about Language and Culture Creatively
Assessment Methods
1. Creative Projects: Grade students on the creativity and depth of understanding demonstrated in their creative projects, such as storytelling or art pieces.
2. Oral Debates: Assess students' ability to articulate their opinions and criticisms effectively during classroom debates.
3. Reflective Journals: Review students' journals to assess their depth of understanding, analytical skills, and ability to express opinions on language and culture.
4. Peer Review Feedback: Use peer reviews as a form of assessment, focusing on the quality of the feedback provided by each student.
5. Final Exam: Include questions that require interpretation, analysis, and criticism of language and culture, assessing the students' comprehensive understanding of the topic.
3.2 มีทักษะในการนำความรู้มาประยุกต์และปรับเปลี่ยนตามวัฒนธรรมสากล
3.2: Having Skills in Applying Knowledge and Adapting to International Culture
Instructional Methods
1. Role-Playing Exercises: Use role-playing scenarios to simulate international interactions, allowing students to practice applying their knowledge in a controlled setting.
2. Interactive Workshops: Conduct workshops on skills like cross-cultural negotiation, international etiquette, or adapting communication styles.
3. Case Studies: Present real-world examples of individuals or companies that have successfully adapted to international cultures, and discuss their strategies.
4. Guest Lectures: Invite professionals with experience working in international settings to share their insights and tips on cultural adaptation.
5. Virtual Cultural Immersion: Utilize online resources or virtual reality to immerse students in different international cultures, followed by discussions or reflections.
3.2: Having Skills in Applying Knowledge and Adapting to International Culture
Assessment Methods
1. Role-Playing Evaluation: Assess students based on their performance in role-playing exercises, focusing on their ability to apply knowledge and adapt to different cultural cues.
2. Workshop Participation: Grade students on their active participation and engagement in interactive workshops, including any deliverables like group projects or individual reflections.
3. Case Study Analysis: Assign a written or oral analysis of a case study, evaluating students' understanding of how to apply knowledge in international settings.
4. Peer Assessment: Use peer assessment for group activities, allowing students to evaluate each other's skills in applying knowledge and adapting to simulated international scenarios.
5. Final Portfolio: Require students to compile a portfolio that includes reflections, analyses, and evidence of their skill development throughout the course, serving as a comprehensive assessment of their abilities.
กิจกรรมที่ ผลการเรียนรู้ * วิธีการประเมินผลนักศึกษา สัปดาห์ที่ประเมิน สัดส่วนของการประเมินผล
Holmes, J. (2013). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Routledge.