Production and Operations Management

Production and Operations Management

1.  Production and operation are essential for business success 2. Understanding the production and operation management will enable students to reduce cost of production
(a) students will be able to explain the production and operation processes (b) students will be able to adopt theory and select the right formulas to calculate c) students able to analyze the result from calculation and give suggestions
Introduces the fundamental concepts, theories and analysis of production and operations management. Topics include operations strategy, process design, project management, capacity planning, forecasting, layout planning, production scheduling, inventory control, and aggregate planning. Group discussion, and case studies will be utilized. Student will be able to analyze and solve production and operations problem strategically.
as student request
Learning outcome on ethics
  Students must behave morally and ethically to get along with others in society and to express their ethical behavior for public benefit. Subject teachers must encourage students to develop their ethics and morality in addition to subject content as follows:
 1.1 They are service-minded and are aware of moral and ethical values.
 1.2 They possess professional and academic ethics.
 1.3 They are self-disciplined, diligent, tolerant, punctual, and accountable for themselves and the environment.
 1.4 They respect the values and the rights of others.
 There are also several subjects that encourage students to develop their morality and
ethics, for example, Life and Social Skills, and English for Career. Subject teachers should integrate professional ethics into the subjects. They should also evaluate students’ ethics by observing them during class activities. Students whose behaviors do not meet the criteria are required to do community service.
1.2 Teaching strategies for developing ethics
A working environment should be established to cultivate students’ discipline, focusing on punctuality and proper uniforms. Ethics learning should be integrated into every subject to promote social and environmental mindfulness. Students should be encouraged to be involved in academic and professional services to support their community.  Also, they should be aware of the need for environmental conservation. Students who show a high level of commitment to these issues should be promoted as role models.
1.3 Assessment strategies on students’ ethics
Students’ behaviors and performances are evaluated based on the following criteria:
1.3.1 Punctuality
1.3.2 Discipline and Participation
1.3.3 Accountability
1.3.4 Loyalty and Trustworthiness 
.2.1 Learning outcome on knowledge
2.1.1 Understanding theories and the principles of course content.
2.1.2 Updating technology and academic development in their fields.
2.1.3 Integrating professional knowledge into relevant subjects
2.2 Teaching strategies for developing knowledge
Many approaches to student-centered learning include Work Integrated Learning and CDIO. The aim of these projects is to promote the application of knowledge towards real world situations and cope with rapid changes in technology. Field trips and professional seminars are implemented according to course content.
2.3 Assessment strategies for students’ knowledge
2.3.1 Formative assessment
2.3.2 Summative assessment
2.3.3 Assignments
2.3.4 Presentation
3 Intellectual skills
3.1 Learning outcome for intellectual skills
  Students should be able to improve themselves and develop their career path by developing reasoning abilities, making rational decisions, and using critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
3.1.1 Knowledge application skills and creative thinking skills.
3.1.2 Systematic thinking skills.
3.2 Teaching strategies to develop Intellectual skills
  Multiple approaches to student-centered learning include work integrated learning and STEM education. These approaches aim to promote students’ analytical thinking through role playing, simulation, and case study.
3.3 Assessment strategies on students’ Intellectual skills
3.3.1 Role plays or simulations.
3.3.2 Choosing various problem solutions in different contexts.
3.3.3 Assessment of report presentations in classes.
3.3.4 Testing knowledge using quizzes or interviews.
4 Interpersonal skills and responsibility
4.1 Learning outcome for interpersonal skills and responsibility
Students should be able to:
4.1.1 Establish good relationships with others and show social etiquette.
4.1.2 Be a good team leader and a team player.
4.1.3 Develop teamwork and problem-solving skills.
4.1.4 Provide social service on proper issues.
4.2 Teaching strategies for developing interpersonal skills and responsibility
    Group and collaborative activities, as well as ethnography research and interviews, are the main focus.
4.2.1 Able to work in teams and cooperate with others.
4.2.2 Responsible for their assignments and duties.
4.2.3 Adaptable to the situation and work well in a corporate organization.
4.2.4 Build good relationships.
4.2.5 Express their leadership and ability to follow suitably according to the situation.
4.2.6 Have cross-cultural knowledge and be able to apply that knowledge for effective cross-cultural communication and problem resolution.
4.3 Evaluation strategies for interpersonal skills and responsibility
      Authentic and performance-based assessments are implemented in the following forms:
4.3.1Behavioral observation of presentation performance.
4.3.2 Behavioral engagement in classroom activities.
5 Numerical, Communication, and Information Technology skills
5.1 Learning outcome for Numerical, Communication, and Information Technology skills
5.1.1 Select appropriate modes and tools to communicate.
5.1.2 Research, analyze data, and apply technology to solve problems.
5.1.3 Use Thai and English to communicate with others appropriately and effectively.
5.2 Teaching strategies for developing Numerical, Communication, and Information
Technology skills
            Multiple approaches to student-centered learning include work integrated learning and STEM education. These approaches aim to promote students’ analytical thinking.
5.2.1 Use information technology as a tool for communication
5.2.2 Use information technology as a tool for finding information
5.2.3 Use information technology as a tool for presenting
5.2.4 Use information technology correctly and appropriately in the traditions of each society
5.3 Assessment strategies for Numerical, Communication and Information
Technology skills
           The evaluation strategies are conducted on numerical, communicational, and informational technological skills. The authentic performance-based assessments are implemented to enable students to utilize information technology. This applies to communication, research, and presentation. All are in accordance with cultural and situational awareness.
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1 1.1.3, 4.1.1 Class participation Every week 10%
2 2.1.1, 2.1.4, 3.1.1, 5.1.2 Assignments Every week 20%
3 2.1.1, 2.1.4 3.1.1 Midterm Exam 8 35%
4 2.1.1, 2.1.4 3.1.1 Final Exam 17 35%
1. Book and Textbook    Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Operation Management, 9th Edition, Pearson International Edition, Pearson Education, 2009
Documents and Information by Internet Search
 1.Direct student feedback  2.Results of student evaluation survey
 1.Student evaluation survey  2.Self-evaluation
 1.Professional development program (seminars, workshops, reading)  2.Discussion with colleagues.
 1.Effectiveness of student activities  2.Contributions during class discussions  3.Student feedback  4.Formal assessment
1.Enhance practical components through site visits or visiting industry experts.  2.Improve teaching strategies by reviewing practices at other institutions.  3.Revise program to reflect latest developments in business problem solving