
Public Speaking

The students would be able to:

express themselves naturally in English; learn some basic information about public speaking; overcome fears standing in public; get to know some patterns to be used for spoken English; improve their pronunciation and intonation skills; write some short speeches; learn some vocabulary words, idioms, and useful expressions during the class; get ready to speak in formal occasions; gain information about the culture of English conversations; learn the easiest approaches in public speaking; know the importance of grammar in speaking.
The students would be able to overcome their fears and hesitations when they speak in public. Moreover, the students would develop their confidence in facing an certain audience.
Public Speaking is offered to English for International Communications students for them to get prepared engaging in speaking in public settings.
If a student really needs counseling, the teacher is going to attend to the student. Students can actually consult the teacher during office hours especially when the teacher has no classes.
       Speaking in public is not that easy. It takes courage and determination and a lot of confidence to show someone’s face in public. So, in order for the students to acquire knowledge about the subject matter, there are some virtues and characteristics students should possess or develop:
Apt and common sense-students should comprehend and think the topic carefully before doing something. Boldness- no matter what happens; stand strong in facing the public. Confidence- even though students make mistakes, still, they have to speak continuously to overcome shyness and naivety. Diligence- students should study lessons before attending the class. Patience- students should not get frustrated when they cannot fully understand topics. Punctuality- students should attend classes on time. Readiness- students should be ready to embrace the culture of English. Resourcefulness- students should know how to gather data and information.
There are several ways on how to teach the students the English language. Here are some steps to be used in Public Speaking:

Starter/Warm Up Introduction of the topic Vocabulary learning Pronunciation learning Patterns learning Lesson Proper Speaking activities Role play/games Conclusion
Observe the students’ individual and group activities. Give out some seatwork and quizzes to assess comprehension. Give students some speaking exercises. 
Students must somehow have basic knowledge about speaking. Students must know some knowledge about formal English. Students must know the proper pronunciation and intonation of a word/phrase. Students must know how to deliver a speech material in front of an audience.
In teaching the content, it is best for the students to listen attentively to the teacher in order for them to understand the topic well.
Give some pronunciation drills. Give some seatwork for pattern English. Prepare homework for students.
Critical thinking should be harnessed in different ways. One is memorization. Another is simulation. With this combination, the intellectual skill of students would get better.
Well immersed conversational engagement is necessary to achieve better intellectual speaking skill.
Give some speaking tests. Create some games in speaking.
Interpersonal ability is achieved through constant communication and mingling with people. Confidence is also important to harness interpersonal skills. Let the students do homework and speaking activities to develop their skills and take charge of their own responsibilities in learning the English language.
Coaching interpersonal skills development is a little intricate. Motivation is necessary to achieve better results.
1. Simulation is the best way to evaluate students on this part.
2. Seatwork and homework should be given to students.
The use of e-learning is very much helpful in the numerical and communication information technologies to the students.
1. Let the students sometimes browse or research some topics related to the syllabus on the net.
2. Let the students use PowerPoint program for presentations and discussions.
1. Let the students practice proper gestures and postures standing in front of an audience.
2. Have them practice some speech over and over again.
Let the students be immersed in fornt of the public.
Let the students be immersed in fornt of the public.
1. Check their performances with the use of proper verbal and non-verbal communication,
2. Check their public speaking anxiety.
แผนที่แสดงการกระจายความรับผิดชอบมาตรฐานผลการเรียนรู้จากหลักสู่รายวิชา (Curriculum Mapping)
กลุ่มวิชา 1. Virtue and Morale 2. Knowledge 3. Intellectual Skills 4. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities 5. Skills in Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology 6. Professional Skills in Working in a Professional Field
ลำดับ รหัสวิชา ชื่อวิชา 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 3.3 4.1 4.5 5.2 5.2 5.2 6.2
1 BOAEC103 การพูดในชุมชน
กิจกรรมที่ ผลการเรียนรู้ * วิธีการประเมินผลนักศึกษา สัปดาห์ที่ประเมิน สัดส่วนของการประเมินผล
1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8//1, 2, 3, 4, 5//6,7, 8//1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 Quizzes//Midterm Test//Final Test/Final Act//Seatwork & Homework 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16//8//17//3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 14 15%//15%//25%//5%
2 All weeks except midterms, finals and class performance Class Participation/Recitation/Performances All weeks excepts tests and quizzes days 30%
3 8 Project Help facilitate with English lecturers at an English Camp. 3 10%
Harrington, David and Charles LeBeau. Speaking of Speech (Basic Presentation Skills for Beginners) Student Book. New Edition. Macmillan, 2009
Sellnow, Deanna D. Confident Public Speaking. Second Edition. Wadsowrth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. 2005.
Richards, Jack C. with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. New Interchange (English for International Communications. Cambridge Univesity Press. 1991.
Evaluation results from students are being done at the end of the semester, particularly right after the university-wide Final Test. It is being facilitated by the Academics Department.
Motivating the students to speak more either intrinsically or extrinsically has been the most effective in its all forms. Teaching techniques that have been enacted in this course differ from one section to another.
The teacher should give time for students to formulate their own speeches. Lastly, the teacher must allocate time outside of classroom for more exposures publicly.More activities to students should be given to them to lessen their fear in speaking in front of a public. 
In the entire course, the students must be able to present in class and outside of the classroom. This requirement has the most weight for them to learn and pass the course. In between the units, the students must collaborate with each other in formulating different kind of speeches. Students also should cooperate with the teacher to achieve a more productive and established course.
Section 7's Number 3 should be well enacted this semester.