Research for International Business

Research for International Business

1. Objectives of the Course
          Students are able to 

Understand about foundation of research and Business research processing. Students able to create their own business research topics including research aim and objective, also choose relate theories to concern their research topic.  Students understand and create their population, sampling, research design, research tools, hypothesis, and statistics tool. Students able to analyses, calculate quantitative data includes research presentation in their research paper. Emphasis research contents which able to analysis and makes a decision from research results, implementation, and discussion.
2. Reasons for Course Development/Modification
1. Course Description 
                This course will examine the research process. Content includes: Importance of the study, literature reviews, methodology applied to business research. Topics will cover a review of data sources in relation to either domestic or international business, data analysis using statistics, and effective decision making. Students will be trained in conducting business research and application of research to business field.
3. Number of hours provided for academic advice and guidance to students

The faculty member provides academic advice and guidance to students

(individual/group) 6 hours/week.

The faculty member announces the advising schedule by announcing through website and social media such as line group/Facebook fan page.

1. Morals and Ethics
1.1 Morals and Ethics to be developed

1.1.1 Students are faithful to duty, to themselves and to others. They do not take any advantage from others, and they are responsible for public. 1.1.2 Students are grateful, sacrifice, patient and attempt. 1.1.3 Students are self – sufficiency life, reasonable thinking and life immunization. 1.1.4 Students respect to the rules, regulations of organizations and societies. 1.1.5 Students are consciousness and conscience to distinguish the correctness, goodness and badness.
1.2 Teaching Methods
1.2.1 Before coming to class, insist with the students to come on time in order to train their discipline and responsibility.
1.2.2 Ask them to participate in group discussion.
1.2.3 Students are praised to be good models when they are honest.
1.2.4 The rules are set to punish the students who cheat exams.
1.3 Evaluation Methods
1.3.1 Evaluate from class attendance, submit the assignments, and participation in the class.
1.3.2 Observation from group activities.
1.3.3 Evaluate from the presentation in the class about the assigned topic.
1.3.4 A number of  fraud in the examinations
1.3.5 Students are assessed their duties and responsibilities as assigned.
2.1 Knowledge to be acquired 
˜ 1.1.1 Students have knowledge and understanding the essence of science which is the basic for studying in business administration covered with all comprehensive accounting, economics and law, liberal arts and sciences.
™                 1.1.2 Students have knowledge and understanding the essential content of business administration, finance, manufacturing, marketing and operations including managing organizations and human resources.
˜ 1.1.3 Students have knowledge and understanding of essential business process in planning, controlling and evaluation of performance and improvement planning.
™ 1.1.4 Students have knowledge on academic advance and business professional progress including understanding the change and impact situations.  
2.2 Teaching Methods
2.2.1 Instructors use variety teaching formats as the differentiate contents of the courses by focusing on theoretical and practical knowledge to achieve the body of knowledge.
2.2.2 Student’s center activities are provided in learning and teaching.
2.2.3 Assigned projects, reports and presentation in the classes.
2.2.4 All students learn through hands-on experience from the enterprises by passing experience training from  cooperative education or directly training.
2.3 Evaluation Methods
2.3.1 The subtests/case study
2.3.2 The final tests
2.3.3 Assessment the reports done  by students
2.3.4 Assessment of  report presentation in classes
Cognitive skills
3.1 Cognitive Skills to be developed
™ 3.1.1 Be creative thinking, further study from pre- knowledge, integrate knowledge in the fields of courses and experience to do the innovation activities or approach to new administration.
˜ 3.1.2 Search for data classification and analysis to get useful  information solving and make decisions suitably
™ 3.1.3 Can think new methods, including analysis and choose alternatives and impacts in all aspects by applying from their knowledge and experiences.
3.1.4 Courage to make decisions from alternative choices those consisted of the situation.
3.2 Teaching Methods
3.2.1 Instructors use variety teaching formats as the differentiate contents of the courses by focusing on theoretical and practical knowledge to achieve the body of knowledge.
3.2.2 Discussion to summarize the results of case study and problems including proposing the methods of solutions.
3.2.3 Case studies of management, projects, research, and the students’ plan to work as teams.
3.2.4 Focus on science and arts including the format of presentation, and students are provided to do practical presentations.
3.3 Evaluation Methods
3.3.1 Assessment report of the research and projects by students’ presentations and reports. 3.3.2 Project presentation
Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities
4.1 Interpersonal Skills and Responsibilities to be developed
 4.1.1 Students have the ability to coordinate, relationship and establish good relationship with others by using basic psychologically understanding on the differences of stakeholders.
 4.1.2 They have the ability to work in teams, coordination, assignment the roles, duties and responsibilities including assistance and facilitating to co-workers. Those are expressed of their leadership and responsibility.
 4.1.3 Students have their enthusiasm and the ability to work responsibly with others. They accept and respect others’ ideas as well as can be followers suitably in some situations.
 4.1.4 Students have their ability to present new initiative ideas that may be creative differences from others.
4.2 Teaching Methods
4.2.1 They are assigned tasks that required contact and coordination with others both within and outside the institution.
4.2.2 They are assigned tasks that required interpersonal communicative skills both within and external the institution.
4.2.3 They are assigned tasks that required brainstorming and working together.
4.2.4 There are activities to enhance their human relationship such as the recognition of  the  outstanding  students
4.3 Evaluation Methods
4.3.1 Assessment of the students’ behavior in group activities.
4.3.2 Assessment the products of both an individual student and groups.
4.3.3 Co-assessment products both instructors and students.
Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills
5.1 Numerical Analysis, Communication and Information Technology Skills to be developed
5.1.1 Students can apply the principles of mathematics, statistics and quantitative analysis for making decisions on business.
5.1.2 They have the ability to communicate in Thai and English effectively.
5.1.3 They have the ability to use basic computer programs and information communications and technology systems those are necessary for operations.
5.1.4 They can communicate to explain and build understanding correctly in both of the written form reports and oral presentations.
5.1.5 They can communicate with a reliable personality, and they are able to choose the form of media, methods and techniques appropriately relating to the groups of people having basic and different ideas.
5.1.6 They can apply technology as a tool to support operations and realize limitations of technology.
5.1.7 They can use communication technology networks for improving its efficiency and operations.
5.2 Teaching Methods
5.2.1 There are activities in learning courses for students to analyze simulations or scenarios and present appropriate solutions.
5.2.2 Students to learn technical applications, analysis data for the decision making on different situations.
5.2.3 There is the presentation with information communication technology.
5.3 Evaluation Methods
5.3.1 Assessment from students’ products /activities relating to numerical analysis.
5.3.2 Assessment from the individual student’s searching from information communication technology.
5.3.3 Assessment from students’ language communicative skills and presentation in classes.

กิจกรรมที่ ผลการเรียนรู้ * วิธีการประเมินผลนักศึกษา สัปดาห์ที่ประเมิน สัดส่วนของการประเมินผล
1 1.1.1, 1.1.4, 1.1.5, 2.1.2, 2.2.3, 3.1.3, 5.1.1, 5.1.4 Final Exam 17 40%
2 1.1.1,1.1.4, 1.1.5,2.1.2, 2.1.3,,, 5.1.1-5.1.6 Research proposal (20%) Research Presentation 20% Final Research 20% 8,16 15 15 60%
Teaching and Learning Resources 1. Book and Textbook    
ภาคภูมิ ภคัวิภาส เอกสารคําสอนรายวิชา วิจัยธุรกิจ Business Research รหัสวิชา 12051411
เอกชัย อภิศักดิ์กลุ และ จตพุร เลิศล้ำ, การวิจัยการตลาด, 20Graw Hill Education.    
ธานินทร์ ศิลป์จารุ  การวิจัยและวิเคราะห์ข้อมูลทางสถติด้วย SPSS, พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 10  บิสซิเนสอาร์แอนด์ดี, 
Malhotra Naresh K., Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, 6/E, Pearson Education,
2. Documents and Information
3. Documents and Recommend Information
          Related website for each topic, for example, Wikipedia. Google.
1. Evaluation Strategies for Course Effectiveness by Students
1.1 Observe from the interest and enthusiasm of students
1.2 Discuss between lecture and students during semester
1.3 Online evaluation from the students
 1.4 Assess from the achievement of the students
2. Teaching Evaluation Strategies
2.1. Observe from the participation of students in the class
2.2 Assess from the achievement of the students from each test
2.3 Online evaluation from the students
3. Teaching Improvement
3.1 Consider the suggestions from the result of the evaluation
3.2 Attend training session and seminar in order to improve teacher’s skills
3.3 Improve the teaching materials by adapting with the situation
4. Verification of Students Achievements in the Course
       4.1 Observe from the participation of students in the class
        4.2 Assess from the achievement of the students from each test
5. Course Review and Improvement Plan for the Course Effectiveness
         1. Improve from the evaluation of teaching and feedback by students